Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Longxing specializes in the production of high-quality solar street lamps, L-600G waterproof, high brightness. Three induction modes. For more favorable prices, please contact customer service.
Guangzhou high quality solar street light - solar energy knowledge:
Further improve the power generation efficiency of the old battery
The ultimate goal of cost reduction is to achieve high efficiency. This is because if the conversion efficiency is doubled, the same amount of electricity can be emitted in the original half of the area, and the material cost and installation cost will be halved. For traditional monolithic solar cells, the conversion efficiency cannot exceed 30%. So you need to use a new concept, which is a quantum dot. With the advancement of nanotechnology, the fine structure of semiconductors has been realized. 2D, 1D, 0D, low dimensionality is gradually becoming possible. In the quantum step of a two-dimensional structure of a semiconductor, electrons are bundled in one direction (film thickness direction) and can move freely in only two directions perpendicular to the film thickness. This state is called a 2-dimensional electron air mass. In a 1-dimensional structured quantum wire, electrons cannot move in two directions perpendicular to the longitudinal direction, and there is only one degree of freedom.
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